Where should Dora go next?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How Did THAT Happen!?!

SOMEhow, Dora escaped our house and climbed the tree in our front yard! Luckily, she got stuck in one of those suet bird feeders that we forget to refill! I had no idea what to do or how to get her down! I didn't even know she was gone! How did she get up that tree? And how did she do it so quickly and quietly!?

Before I was even aware of this I heard a kind of squishy bop bop bop sound near the front door. Then, I heard the screen door slam and I saw Larry Boy bouncing across our lawn! I raced after him with the camera in hand (you never know what you'll see when you follow Larry Boy)! He was able to use his super suction ears to swing to her and lower them both down to safety.

Look at her! Not a care in the world!

I'm tellin' ya, if you don't have a Larry Boy in your house, you're just asking for trouble. You better find one quick!

I will TELL you how that happened!

I was sitting in the house, just minding my business, when a beautiful bird peeped at me through the window saying to follow her! She said it was OK. So, I did. Why not trust a pretty bird, she only wanted a friend, and who better than me?

I tiptoed quietly out the door while Senora Susana was putting Katrinita to bed. Then, the gato horrible started to lick me and nuzzle up next to me! I didn't like the look in his eyes! I know my mama just gave him food this morning, could he be that hungry again? Would he really eat Dora Tartar?

Needless to say, my bird friend was gone, she had nothing to do with me now. She didn't want to be a bird in a bucket for him! I scurried up the tree as best I could, all the while el gato was licking his chops! It was terrible! I was so scared I couldn't even scream! Good thing Larry Boy saw me! He's my hero!

I guess I learned my lesson. I've heard mi mama say, "A little bird told me it was your birthday!" Well, don't listen to any little birds! But if you do, if you just HAVE TO go out on your adventure, be sure you are able to fight off el gato Ditto Grande!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Girls Night/Boys Night

Last night was our first Girls Night/Boys Night. The boys went fishing while the girls went to Dairy Queen and the local airport to spy parked planes, Kate's newest passion! It was big fun spending time one on one, doing something special! Maybe next time, I'll have our boy and Daddy will have our girlie. :)
At DQ, Dora tried to eat my Heath Bar Blizzard. Tried is the word we have to consider. She did not succeed, I made sure of that! And at the airport, K & D had fun looking through the fence at the small flying macines. The sun was putting itself to bed, so we had to hurry home. As you can imagine, it's always nice being with my girls! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Apple Picking is Fun!

Today, I went with some amigos to a farm far north of here to pick some apples! We had some time to spare so we took a detour first, to buy shoes and stop at LLBeans (my kind of gals! Retail therapy!).Here you can see me in my first pair of shoes,

and here I am hiding amongst los orsos from Maine!
After our short stop at the outlets, we proceeded to Milburn Orchards (http://www.milburnorchards.com/index.html) We saw goats and pigs, ducks and turkeys! It was big fun! We didn't pick apples off the tree but off the table in their store! Honey Crisps - mmm, if you haven't tried one, you should! Absolutemente! It was a great day to be out and about - not too caliente, not too frio! Perfecto!

We came home and mi hermana, Katie, gave our peces all of their fishfood! The flakes were all over the tank, the water, AND the floor! "Come see the mess!" Katie said with - how you say it - glee? Mamacita was not too happy. Papa had to change the water and give the Heimlich Maneuver to a few of our pets! Did you ever read A Fish out of Water? We were concerned about another Otto situation! Poor peces. I think they are OK now. I guess she just wanted to help. Ayudar another way, Katrinita!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurricane Hanna!

Dora takes cover with Hurricane Hanna heading our way. The watercolor rendition was made by Katie. As of 10:55 a.m., steady rain and one clap of thunder.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ahora, My Turn

I very much like to travel. I always have my backpack and map on my show, but as a doll, most times people just like to leave me in a corner or someplace. I was very sad to miss Susana's trip to Nueva York in July for her high school reunion. She later told me about a beautiful stream running through Central Park with a old wooden bridge crossing it. Que lastima, I would love to have been there!

So, the next trip they had, I went with them. This time south, to Virginia Beach! Susana had her run there, 13.1 miles! Jumpin' frijoles! That's a long way to run! While she was correring, Senor Derek and I visited the turtles
and then I let Susana hold me, as I stood perfectly still, after her race.

Today, I had even more fun. A neighborhood gato, Big Dit, has been visiting us! We got a nice picture of K and BD and me! Notice how the cat likes me more! And then, for giggles, I hid in the mailbox, but Susana and Katrina finally found me.
Katrina's mommie said I was a silly monkey. I like adventures and hiding places! What will be next?!

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

I guess I should tell you how this all began. One June day, the family went to the beach in Oxford, bringing the Dora doll along for the girlie to enjoy. The family was in the water and I, of course, was taking pictures. Dora and I decided she needed to be in more of the pictures, but I think we were getting a bit carried away. (We have other, more reserved poses, but this one shows her getting more comfortable in front of the camera. She likes close ups.)

Here Dora is meeting our live-in Gnome. My husband bought me this gnome several years ago. I was in a real snit for some time and one day at dinner he presented me with a box that had come in the mail. "Would you like this gift?" he inquired.

"I don't know," I hissed, "Will it make me feel better?" I'm always a gracious receiver and one to let my anger go.

Well, it did. Inside was my first gnome, sitting happily upon a ladybug (which goes to say how magnified this statue is of the ones who originally sat for it)! Our Leading Lady, Dora, is surprised to meet such a fine looking Gnome and his Ladybug Lamborghini. And to think, it happened just outside our front door in July 2008!